With the CloudCTI telephony integration, Othomatic shows the caller's data when the phonenumber is recognized. A call can also be set up automatically.


Incoming calls are displayed within Othomatic and when the caller is recognized, the name is shown. With a mouse click, a screen showing the caller's data within Othomatic can be opened real time. Calls can be set up directly from Othomatic, entering phone numbers manually is no longer necessary. The integration with Othomatic is preconfigured in the CTI Wizard and can be completed in just a few steps.


• Set up a call automatically (click-to-call) with a mouse click or hot key.
• With the Othomatic-Teams integration name search and caller recognition are not available within Teams.
• With one mouse click the caller’s record from Othomatic pops up and provides real time info.
• With Othomatic click-to-call, caller recognition and screen pop are available within the Othomatic environment.


The integration of Othomatic is included in the CTI Wizard making installation very easy. Most settings are already configured so that only a few customer-specific data need to be filled in and a clear manual is available. The integration is configured once for the entire company. CTI has never been easier!.


CloudCTI is a fully cloud-based software and therefore deployable anywhere and easy to implement. Windows, MacOS and Chromebook (web client) are supported. Data is only cached and the highest security requirements are met.

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