With CloudCTI's Highrise CRM telephony integration, the caller is recognized by the phone number sent and various actions can be automated. A call can also be set up automatically.
On incoming calls, a notification which does not interfere during work, pops up with data from Highrise CRM. This notification is freely configurable and any data from Highrise CRM can be displayed. The caller’s name is of course a primary requirement but all other sorts of info, often branch specific, is helpful like license plate, patient ID or the last pizza ordered. In the notification there is space for up to four lines of info and, depending on the length, even more fields. With a mouse click, a screen showing the caller’s data within Highrise CRM can be opened real time. Optionally, up to five buttons may be configured. These can conveniently pop another screen from Highrise CRM, open a ticket, compose an email to a colleague with the caller’s info automatically filled in or open another CRM altogether. Calls can be set up directly via a call button, select and call, etc. Entering phone numbers manually is no longer necessary. The integration with Highrise CRM is preconfigured in the CTI Wizard and can be completed in just a few steps.
• Set up a call automatically (click-to-call) with a mouse click or hot key.
• Automatic recognition of phone numbers. Data as known in Highrise CRM pop up in a notification.
• This notification does not interfere during work.
• Is freely configurable.
• Space for up to four lines of info and, depending on the length, even more fields.
• Recognition from several CRM applications simultaneously is supported
• Multiple recognition in case a number occurs more than once.
• With one mouse click the caller’s record from Highrise CRM pops up and provides real time info.
• Any data from Highrise CRM available in the API can be displayed.
• Recognition is automatically updated daily (frequency adjustable).
• Any record in Highrise CRM may be configured to pop up.
• On a call transfer recognition and screen pop remains available.
• Optionally, up to five buttons may be configured to perform additional actions: pop up from different screens in Highrise CRM or from a different CRM, create a call back message, copy and retain the caller's phone number for future usage, etc.
• Teams-CRM Integration fully supported, for more information see cloudcti.nl/teams.
The integration of Highrise CRM is included in the CTI Wizard making installation very easy. Most settings are already configured so that only a few customer-specific data need to be filled in and a clear manual is available. The integration is configured once for the entire company. CTI has never been easier!.
When in Highrise CRM new contacts are created, CloudCTI automatically updates and recognizes them. In this way, correct operation is always guaranteed.
The integration connects to its own API of Highrise CRM.
CloudCTI is a fully cloud-based software and therefore deployable anywhere and easy to implement. Windows, MacOS and Chromebook (web client) are supported. Data is only cached and the highest security requirements are met.