Here you find information on specific features of the telecom system or the provider. Please visit for extensive and specific functionality per CRM-integration.

Technical info

Activa Communications phone systems are powered by Xelion. CloudCTI connects to the platform using the websocket CTI API.


With Activa Communications, CloudCTI offers
• Set up a call automatically (click-to-call) with a mouse click or hot key.
• Caller recognition for phone numbers which are present in the integrated CRM application.
• With a mouse click, a screen showing the caller's data within the integrated CRM can be opened.
• Both Windows, MAC as well as Chromebook are supported.
• Automatically record calls* in the activity history of the caller's file.
*check for supported CRM applications:

How to connect

To connect your phone system to the CloudCTI client requires Xelion specific settings. The supplier of the phone system will have the necessary API settings and credentials already configured for your account and you will be all set up after signing in.

Order info

If you are interested in the CloudCTI CRM integration from Activa Communications, experience the benefits of CRM integration yourself or offer the software to your customers, please contact Activa Communications for info on pricing and (free!) demo- or reseller accounts for the CloudCTI integration.
End users are kindly advised to contact their telecom supplier.

Activa Communications
209 / 86 Murray St
Postal Code
TAS 7000
E-mail Phone General +61 1300 554 116