Vous trouverez ici des informations sur les caractéristiques spécifiques du système de télécommunications ou du fournisseur. Veuillez consulter le site https://cloudcti.nl/crm-applications pour obtenir des informations détaillées et spécifiques sur les fonctionnalités de l'intégration CRM.
Technische info
The CloudCTI application runs in a panel in the Roger365 Teams app. This can be configured with a URL in the Roger Admin Center. No software needs to be installed.
With Roger365, CloudCTI offers
• Automatic recognition of phone numbers on incoming calls. Data as known in configured CRMs show up in the CloudCTI window on the Roger365 Teams app.
• Which data are displayed on recognition is freely configurable per CRM-application, with room for up to four lines of info and with generic or CRM-specific fields.
• Multiple recognition in case a number occurs more than once in configured CRMs.
• Optionally, up to five buttons may be configured per CRM to perform additional actions: open contact in CRM (screen pop), create a call back message, copy and retain the caller's phone number for future usage, etc. Default buttons can also be configured, displayed when no match was found.
• The recognition is automatically updated daily (frequency adjustable).
• Integrations with CRM-applications can be configured in a browser via the CloudCTI Webconfigurator.
Hoe te verbinden
To use the CloudCTI functionality with Roger 365, the CloudCTI Regular license with a configured CRM-application is required, as well as a fully configured Roger365 calling queue as detailed in this manual: https://downloadcloudcti.blob.core.windows.net/files/Docs/Roger%20+%20C…
The CloudCTI service can be purchased with providers of the Roger365 contact center or inquire with https://cloudcti.nl/support/contact